Ready to find your Dream Job?  This is for you.

I want to take you through a proven step-by-step process to make sure you get where want to go (guaranteed).

Imagine waking up excited for your day...

Imagine waking up on Monday morning feeling excited for what’s to come.

Imagine finishing your day feeling satisfied that you did work that was impactful and meaningful. Imagine spending the majority of your time doing work that you truly believe in and feel connected to.

Imagine saving years of struggle piecing together a process that works for you. It can be done. I give away 90% of my material for free at theMeaningMovement.com.  There are also self-help books, seminars, and coaches.  You can piece it together yourself.

Imagine shortcutting all your peers who are stuck trying to figure things out for themselves.

Imagine having a community of people who are asking the same questions you are and are excited to be a part of your process.

Imagine what it would feel like to have a clear sense of what you were made to do.

And imagine how good it will feel—when someone asks you what you do—to have an answer that carries the kind of meaning and significance that you crave.

Finding purpose is hard.
You don't have to figure it out on your own.

I wanted to put it all in one place for you, to save you the years of struggling to do it yourself.  If you're looking for a deeper sense of calling and purpose, I'd like to invite you to:

I want to introduce you to the Calling Course— your complete step-by-step roadmap to finding your purpose.

Building on what I learned through my graduate program, and building upon years of experience working one-on-one and with groups, I’ve put together a step-by-step process that will take you from where you are to where you want to go and avoid the frustrating moments of wondering what to do next or how to use the time that you have to get the most from your process.

The course is broken up into 8 modules with an accompanying workbook that you can work through at your own pace. Each module has a teaching component that helps you lay a solid foundation for how you think about yourself and your work and practical assignments that will keep you moving forward and applying the ideas to your own life.



Where Are You?

In Module 1, you'll learn to define where you are and what you’re up against in your process.



What are the Rules?

In Module 2, you’ll uncover surprising stories that you’ve been telling yourself about what you can and cannot do.



What is Your Story?

In Module 3, you’ll make new connections between who you are and your sense of purpose as you explore your life’s overall narrative.



What has Meaning?

In Module 4, you’ll define meaning as you’ve experienced it in your work and life.



What are Your Themes?

In Module 5, you’ll begin to synthesize your purpose and calling into actionable themes.



What is Your Future?

In Module 6, you’ll work to connect the past to the future as we explore how your calling can play out and shape what’s to come.



What is Your Mission?

In Module 7, you’ll craft a clear and concise mission statement to guide you through whatever changes and challenges that may come.



What is Next?

In Module 8, we will wrap things up with an actionable plan.



When you join the course, you get access to a private Facebook group only for course members where you can discuss, connect, and support each other.  You'll find a community of like-minded people committed to helping you find success.


You’ll also get the printable Purpose Planner that will take you step-by-step through all the Modules and their corresponding assignments. The Planner helps you avoid overwhelm and keeps you moving forward, even when you only have a few minutes to work on it.


Get my go-to resources for further learning and exploration.  This includes the best books and tools living a meaningful life and pursuing meaningful work.


A big part of finding your calling is getting other people involved in your process.  We're making that as easy as possible for you by providing you clear instructions on how to invite people in, as well as an email script that you get to steal and use to reach out to people.


Two Live Q&A Interrogation Sessions

I will answer any question you have on two Live One-on-One Interrogations session webinar.  All questions are fair game.  These Q&A's are designed to be a safe-space to get the help you need to accelerate your results.

60 Day Direct Email Support

If you have questions that the Facebook Group can't answer, I'm here to help!  You'll have direct email access to me for the first 60 days of the course.

Goal Setting and Review Process

Everyone who joins during this launch will get a free copy of Operating Instructions, my signature goal setting and review guide.  This proven method will help you achieve more in the time that you have.   A $


What People Are Saying About


John Doe UI/UX Designer

"For a long time I have been hesitant to engage in the work of vocational pursuit because I feared it would lead to a dead end.

"What if there is no dream job for me?" I wondered.

The most valuable insight I got from The Calling Course was to dispel the myth that I have one singular "soulmate job" out there waiting for me.

Instead of solely focusing on the end result, Dan's guidance and the course activities helped me to engage in the foundational work of identifying where I find deep meaning and fulfillment.

Having a greater understanding of my own unique drive and voice has helped me reframe where I find connection in my current work and opened my mind to explore a myriad of opportunities that align with my own personal sense of meaning."

- Elizabeth

"Going into The Calling Course I was skeptical that an online course could help me uncover important personal insights.

And at first I thought my skepticism was right. The first couple modules were interesting, but I didn't see how they would give me the deep vocational understanding I was looking for. Only near the end of the course did I see how these early exercises had layered upon each other to show me lifelong patterns of how I experience meaning and fulfillment.

I came away from The Calling Course with a new diamond of understanding about my personal vocation that is already helping me make plans and decisions.

Dan has done a great job of distilling his expertise and intuition into a powerful process.  The Calling Course is a valuable tool for anyone who wants to bring more joy and fulfillment into their lives, both in work and outside of it."

- James
John Doe UI/UX Designer

You don't have to be stuck in the grind of a job that doesn't fit.  There's a better way.


Over the years I've found a handful of obstacles to getting unstuck and finding purpose.  Here are the four biggest and how the Calling Course will help you with them.


There can be a lot of confusion about so much of the process. Who do you listen to? What do you do next? How can you actually take action when you only have few minutes here and there?


Step-by-step guidance with lessons, assignments, and a Purpose Planner workbook— so you always know what exactly to do next.


Trying to figure everything out on your own and finding your way without the help of others is the final major obstacle.  It can leave you feeling misunderstood, alone, and isolated.  Without accountability, it's all too easy to let life pass without taking action.


The Calling Course was built with community in mind.  There’s a secret Facebook group only for course members. This is a safe place to connect, ask questions, and generally support and encourage each other.  

There are also specific ways that you get to bring others into your work to process your journey and progress.


Another reason we get stuck in those kinds of places is because we just get so overwhelmed by life. Between work responsibilities and home life, there’s not much margin for personal purpose or passion pursuits.


Overwhelm happens when you don't know what to do next and don't have space to process.  The course solves those by always giving you the next step to take and giving you places to process.  It takes the labor of problem solving out of the process.  We did the heavy lifting for you.


A lot of us want to gain clarity on what’s truly meaningful, but lack the time—for so many reasons. You’re reading this between other things, in fact. Maybe on a break at work or after getting home and taking care of home responsibilities. We don’t have a lot of time. No one does! How can you make space to find the work you want to do?


Many people spend years struggling to gain traction in a process of trial-and-error.  We're saving you years of struggle and giving you the tools you need to take action in the small windows of time that you do have.

We can't make more time for you, but we can help you make the most of what you've got.​

What Others Are Saying About


"The Calling Course came at the right time for me. I was in a transitional period. I felt like I was floating without something to grasp onto.

I was spinning my wheels.

The course helped me find a foundation again and find some solid ground to stand on. It helped me do the work of digging in my story and the things that I was passionate about, and the things that make me uniquely me.

It offered me a path forward.

If you don't want life to pass you by and then regret wasting time in something that isn't in alignment with who you are and why you're on the planet— then this is for you."

- Joel
John Doe UI/UX Designer
John Doe UI/UX Designer

"I think my biggest fear before starting the process was uncovering past wounds and trauma that were going to be too sorrowful to bear. I think what stopped me from doing this work sooner was the shame I felt around my calling and vocation.

I thought I knew exactly what I wanted to do with my life and when things didn't work out the way I thought they would, I carried a lot of shame around it — shame around being a "failure" in my field, shame about letting go of unrealistic and harmful dreams, and shame around stepping into something new that I didn't think I would be good at.

My biggest fear was not being good enough for the work I felt called to do, whatever that would be.

Stepping into this work was such a beautiful process. I experienced healing and love by telling those stories that were soaked with shame. I was given the space to face my fears around being a failure or not being good enough, and was blessed.

Instead of my fears coming true, they shattered with each story I told.

I was given the opportunity to rewrite my narrative and tell a different story, which ultimately changed the trajectory of my life.

I found my calling and my desire again."


"As a recent grad, I've struggled to find my way and make decisions about what opportunities to pursue. It seems like most of my friends either have no idea where they're headed or they chose something a long time ago and are afraid to ask questions about whether or not it's a good fit.

I wanted to ask the hard questions and find a sense of confidence in what my work is about. This process helped me do exactly that.

Going in, I was looking for a map for the choices ahead. What I got instead was the ability to navigate the choices with much more assurance and a strong sense of who I am in the midst of them— which, in the end, is much more useful than a map could be.

The only regret I have is that I didn't start sooner."

- Paul
John Doe UI/UX Designer


I want to tell you why this matters to me.

I grew up as the youngest in a family where everyone else knew exactly what they wanted to do. My only brother knew from the time he reached the double digits that he wanted to program computers, and that’s exactly what he went on to do.

I, on the other hand, didn’t know. I was creative and liked music and art, but didn’t know how to pursue those things as a teenager. Fast forward a few years and post college I was in a job that I felt like I “should” be doing, but struggling to make it fit.

I’ve spent almost a decade feeling lost and confused, which is what propelled me to dive deep into answering questions of purpose and calling for myself and for others.

Ever since, I’ve been on a mission to help as many people as I can dive deeper into these intersections of work and meaning— to find the places that are truly meaningful for you.


  • 10+ years of professional experience helping people find purpose and direction.
    I've been helping people find a sense of calling for more than ten years in a professional capacity.
  • Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies
    I received an MA in Interdisciplinary Studies from the Seattle School of Theology and Psychology with an emphasis on calling and vocation.
  • My work has been featured in many places online and in print.
    I've been featured in the Chicago Tribune, Entrepreneur Magazine, Fast Company, Yahoo, MSN, US News and World Report, CBS Local, The Work Buzz, Compass Careers, and more.
  • Proven Track Record
    In my years of using this process one-on-one and with groups, there's never been a person who hasn't benefited from this process.

My work has been featured in:

... and more!

Nothing is better for me than seeing my clients, readers, and audience members find their calling.


You can do this work one-on-one with me. I love one-on-one clients! But at my current rates, you’d be paying at minimum $1600 to get the same value. You could do it with someone else who does similar work, but most of them are just as expensive, if not more so!

You could go to conferences, which are notoriously expensive and are known to be mostly about woo-woo feelings and that get you pumped up but don’t deliver the practical and intentional depth that my work does. Just one such conference costs hundreds of dollars, plus travel and room and board— easily adding up to $1000+.

Finally, you could also piece a similar process together yourself, but that could take years and would be pricey when you add together all the the books and workshops that you’d need to get there.

Right now you can get instant access to the course plus the no-holds-barred Q&A interrogations with me for $597.

Just to show you how much I believe in this material, I’m giving you a 60-day guarantee. If you do the work and can show me that you’ve put effort into it, but don't feel like you make significant progress towards understanding your calling, I’ll refund you 100%.​

​Simply hit the button below to join, and get unlimited access so you can get started immediately.

PLUS: for a limited time get 2 free ask anything Q&A sessions with me, the Operating Instructions process, and 60-days direct email access. 



Cart closes in:

Payment Plan

Five Months at
$137USD/ month 

Single Payment


ONE Payment of

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed


**Secure payment facilitated by Stripe**

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

I believe in this material and this process so much that I'm giving you a 100% money back guarantee.  For the first 60 days, if you put in the effort and follow the step-by-step modules and assignments and don't make significant progress toward understanding your calling, I will give you a complete refund.

Dan Cumberland, course creator



  • You are searching for deeper meaning in your life and work.
  • You are asking questions about who you are and what you want to do.
  • You're overwhelmed by opportunities and don't know what to choose.
  • You're transitioning and asking "What's next?"
  • You've tried other programs, books, and conferences and they haven't delivered.
  • You want a change in your life and work but don't know where to start.
  • You're ready to dig in and get unstuck.


  • You're not willing to put in some work (it only works if you do it).
  • You're overly cynical and jaded (it won't work if you don't want it to).
  • You're less than 20 years old (This process takes a little life experience.  It can still be helpful, but you may not get as much out of it).
  • You're unwilling to try new things and take risks.

Here's What You Get:

  • Immediate lifetime access to 8 modules (plus all future improvements and additions)
  • Access to the Member's Only Facebook Community 
  • The Purpose Planner Workbook
  • Outreach Email Script
  • The Calling Resource List
  • Two Live Q&A Interrogation sessions with Dan
  • 60-days direct email access

All for a one time investment of only:


Payment Plan

Five Months at
$137USD / month

Single Payment


ONE Payment of

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed


**Secure payment facilitated by Stripe**